‘Spreekbuis’ is an immersive sound installation in the former CAV cattle feed factory in Oldeberkoop as part of the Art Route Open Stal 2025 under the title Oorsprong.
Starting point for this sound installation are the chutes running from the ridge of the factory to the first floor (entrance area). Martin Brandsma,Jan van der Til see these shafts as ‘speaking tubes’ from which various voices and sounds will subtly descend upon the audience. With this immersive installation Martin Brandsma,Jan van der Til want to surprise, confront and move visitors at unexpected moments, stimulate the imagination and challenge the senses.
The installation will unfold as a radio play with an intriguing atmosphere. In addition to focusing on the acoustics of the space, ‘things’ will be invoked about the functions of the CAV building; a former grain milling and feed mill that is now part of an art tour.
‘Spreekbuis’ is part of a series of collaborative projects between visual artists Martin Brandsma and Jan van der Til, operating under the name ‘Martin Brandsma,Jan van der Til.’