Gesnerus redivivus auctus & emendatus . Gesner, C., Vögel-buch 2: 3: 154-157, 1669
Lanius septentrionalis . Gmelin, J.F., Systema Naturae I, Pars i, 306, 1788
Lanius major . Gmelin, J.F., Systema Naturae I, Pars i: 300, 1788
Lanius major . Pallas, P.S., Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica I, 401, 1811
Lanius major . Wilkes, J., Encyclopaedia Londinensis XII, 212, 1812
Lanius meridionalis . Temminck, Manuel d’ Ornithologie éd. 2: 1: 143, 1820
Lanius major Br. . Brehm, C.L., Handbuch der Naturgesichte aller Vögel Deutschlands, 232, 1831
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society of Diffusion of Useful Knowledge . Knight, C., Volume 21: 417-419, 1841
Lanius pallens . Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil V: X: 245, 1851
Lanius pallidirostris . Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil V: X: 244, 1851
Lanius excubitor theresae . Meinertzhagen, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 73: 6: 72,1953
Der grosse Würger (Lanius excubitor Lin.) und einige seiner Verwandten . Brehm, Ch.L., Journ. f. Ornith.: 143-148, 1854
Lanius leoconotus Brehm (L. excubitor leucopygos) . Brehm, A.E., Jorn. F. Orn.2:8: 147-148, 1854
Lanius leuconotus . V. Heuglin, T., Sitzungsberichte der Kais Akad. der Wissens. (Math. – Nat. Classe), (Wien), XIX: 2: 285, 1856
Lanius fallax . Finsch, O., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. for 1869, 430, 1869
Lanius fallax . Trans. of the Zool. Society of London VII: 4: 249, 1870
Protokoll der XLIX Monatssitzung der D.O.G. Vortrag über die Grauen – mit Lanius excubitor verwandten oder bisher verwechselten – Würger . Cabanis, Journ. J. Ornitho.: 75-79, 1872
Lanius homeyeri . Cabanis, Journal für Ornithologie 1: 121: 75, 1873
Sorokoputy russkoi fauny i ikh sorodichi . Bogdanov, M.N., Supplement to vol. 39 of Zap. Imp. Sc. St-Petersbourg, no. 1, 1881
On Lanius excubitor and Lanius major . Collett, R., Ibis, 28:1: 30 – 40, 1886
Ingezonden, Warga, 18 october . Van Asperen, H., Leeuwarder Courant, 20-10- 1888
Grey Shrike and peregrine in Lincolnshire, Haigh GHC, Zoologist
Remarks on Lanius excubitor and its Allies . Dresser, H.E., Ibis, 34:3: 374 – 380, 1892
Note on the Habits of the Northern Shrike (Lanius borealis) . Brewster, W., The Auk, Volume 11, 1894
Lanius funereus . Mengbier, M., The Ibis XXIII: VI: 378, 1894
Stadsnieuws “Artis” . Algemeen Dagblad, 1898
Food of the indian grey shrike . Nurse, C.G., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 12:3: 572, 1894
De Klapekster (Lanius excubitor) . Baron Snoukaert van Schauburg, Verslagen en Mededeelingen 1, Ardea 1: 24-32, 1904
Lanius fallax, Finsch (L.aucheri) . Hartert, e., Nov. Zool XIII, 398, 1906
Die Phylogenese der Lanius-Arten . Untersuchungen über die gegenseitige Abstammung sämtlicher Arten der echten Würger auf grund der Zeichnungsentwickelung des Federkleides, Schiebel, Dr. P.G., R. Friedländer & Sohn, Berlin, 1906
De Groote Klauwier (Lanius excubitor) . Bernink,, B.R., De Levende Natuur 11:10: 198-199, 1907
Lanius excubitor bianchii . Hartert, E., Die Vögel der paläarktischen Fauna I: IV; 424,1907
A contribution to the Ornithology of East Siberia . Schalow, H., Nytt Mag. Zool 2: 91-101, 1908
Die Vögel der paläarktischen Fauna . Harter, E., Friedländer und Sohn, Berlin, 1910
Shrikes’ larders . Magrath, H.A.F., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20:1: 227 – 228, 1910
Shrikes’ larders . Tyrrell, J.R.J., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 20:1: 226 – 227, 1910
Lanius excubitor galliae . Kleinschmidt, O., Falco XIII, 24, 1917
Bemerkungen zu H. Schalows Lanius excubitor rapax Br. . Von Tschusi, V., Orn. Mber 26: 145-146, 1918
Lanius excubitor rapax Brehm und dessen Vorkommen in Brandenburg . Schalow, H., Journal für Ornithologie, Volume 66: 3: 331-335, 1918
Indian Grey Shrike Lanius lathora attacking wounded Sandgrouse . O’Brien, E., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 26:2: 667, 1919
Habits of the Northern Shrike in Captivity . Floyd, C.B., The Auk, 40:3: 542 – 543, 1923
Northern Shrike (Lanius Borealis) near Santa Fe, Mex . Jensen, K., The Auk 40:2: 333, 1923
The Great Northern Shrike and Its Song . Bergtold, W.H., The Auk, 42:2: 277 – 277, 1925
Notes on the invasion of New England and other Atlantic States by the Northern Shrike during the winter of 1926-27 . Floyd, C.B., Journal of Field Ornithology, 4:2: 43 – 49, 1928
A Northern Shrike Repeat . Wilcox, L., Journal of Field Ornithology, 1:3: 143, 1930
Systematic Revision and Natural History of the American Shrikes (Lanius) . Miller, A.H., In Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., Vol. XXXVIII, Univ. of California Press: 11-242, 1931
Systematic revision and natural history of the American shrikes Lanius, Miller, A.H.,Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 38, 11–242, 1931
Op de Valkenjacht te Valkenswaard, Een Schildwacht . De Telegraaf, 1933
Valkenjacht in vroeger tijd . Nieuwsblad van Friesland: Hepkema’s courant, 20-09-1933
Northern Shrike Regurgitates Pellet . Mason, E.A., Journal of Field Ornithology, 14:1-2: 46, 1934
Korte mededeelingen: Klapekster Lanius excubitor bij Neer-Langbroek . Brink Van den, J.N., Limosa, 7:4: 187-187, 1934
Korte mededeelingen: Klapekster Lanius excubitor bij Wassenaar . Koch, J.C., Limosa, 7:3: 121-122, 1934
Korte mededeelingen: Klapekster Lanius excubitor bij Kampen en Zwolle . Kate Ten, C.G.B, Limosa, 7:3: 121-121, 1934
A cycle in Northern Shrike emigrations . Davis, D.E., The Auk, 54:1: 43 – 49, 1937
Der Raubwürger, Lanius e. excubitor L. . Troller, J., Orn. Beob. Bern 34: 105-148, 1937
A comparison of behavior of certain North American and European shrikes. Miller, A.H., Condor 39, 119–122, 1937
Het Fochtelooerveen; Vereniging van Natuurmonumenten wil het kopen, uiterst belangrijk natuurgebied . Het Volksdagblad: Dagblad van Nederland, 5: Zaterdag 25 Juni 1938
Feeding behavior of a Northern Shrike . Montagna, W., The Auk, 56:4: 456 – 459, 1939
Systematic notes on Indian birds – nr.V . Ticehurst, C.B., Ibis 4: 147 – 150, 1940
Occurrence of the Allied Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor pallidirostris) in the Rawalpindi District, Punjab . Waite, H.W., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 41:3: 661, 1940
Een zeldzame vangst op de Vinkenbaan; Klapekster onder het net . Wigman, A.B., De Courant; Het Nieuws van den Dag, December 1941
Über die Ernährung eines Überwinternden Raubwürgers (Lanius e. excubitor L.) . Leivo, O., Ornis Fennica 19, 63-73, 1942
Monographie de Pies-Grièches du genre Lanius . Olivier, G., Lecerf, Rouen, 1944
Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor excubitor L.) breeding near Belohrad . Hlavaty, L, Sylvia 8:3-4: 88, 1946
Klapekster (Lanius excubitor) slaat Kuifleeuwerik (Galerida cristata) .De Boer, H.S., Nunspeet, Ardea, 35: 139, 1947
Om et par funn av nye fugleraser i Norge . Loevenskiold, H.T., Naturen, 71: 91-92, 1947
L’influence de l’humidité du climat sur coloration du plumage chez Pies-grièches grises de l’Afrique du Nord . Jany, E., L’Oiseaux et RFO, 18 (NS): 117-132, 1948
The European Hybrid-population of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor L.) . Salomonsen, F., Vidensk. Medd. Fra Dansk nature Fosen. Bd., 111: 149-161, 1949
Recent Emigrations of Northern Shrikes . Davis, D.E., The Auk, 66:3: 293 – 293, 1949
Northern Shrike at Play . Kyllingstad, H.C., The Wilson Bulletin, 61:2: 114 – 114, 1949
Klapeksters, Lanius excubitor L., met één en twee vleugelspiegels in Nederland . Voous, K., Ardea, 37:3-4: 169 – 172, 1950
Over de geografische naam en de verspreiding van de klapekster (Lanius excubitor) in België . Dirickx, H.G., Le Gerfaut, 40: 185-192, 1950
Spreeuwen kwetteren ‘t voorjaar in . Strijbos, J., De Telegraaf, 7: Zaterdag 4 Maart 1950
Lanius excubitor batesi . Grant & Mackworth-Praed, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 71: 8: 54,1951
Lanius excubitor dubarensis . Grant & Mackworth-Praed, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 71: 8: 55,1951
Lanius excubitor rapax Brehm und dessen Vorkommen in Brandenburg . Schalow, H., Journal für Ornithologie, Volume 66: 3: 331-335, 1918
On the relationship of the European and African Great Grey Shrikes . Grant, C.H.; Mackworth-Praed, C.W., Bull. Br. Orn. Club, 72: 94, 1952
Zingende klapekster bij Haule (A. Veenstra) . G.B., Vanellus, 58, april 1952
The Pocket Guide to Birds: How to identify and enjoy them . Cruikshank, A., Pocket Books: 172-173, 1953
Klapekster Haule (A. Veenstra) . G.B., Vanellus, 73-74, 1953
De klapekster en haar prooi . Veenstra, F., Vanellus, 119-122, 1953
Stavanger Museum Sterna . Stepptörnskatan, Lanius excubitor pallidirostris Cass., och andra observationer från Utsira 1953, Edberg, R., Aktietrykkeriet I Stanvanger No. 13, 1954
Enige Broedvogels in Noord-Brabant, Grauwe Klauwier, Klapekster, Roodkopklauwier . Braaksma, S., Brabantia 3: 27-33, 1954
Ein Beitrag zur biologie des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) . Feindt, P., Beirr. Naturknd. Niedersachsens, 8: 104-109, 1955
Notes on shrike identification and comparative behaviour of shrikes in winter .
,Wilson Bulletin, 67(3): 200-208, 1955
Berichte aus dem Arbeitsgebiet der Vogelwarten Helgoland und Radolfzell . Winterreviertreue eines Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Radtke, G.A., Vogelwarte Wilhelmshaven, Die Vogelwarte, Band 18:3: 157-160, 1956
Return of Great Grey Shrike to winter territory . Boyd, A.W. British Birds, 50: 271-272, 1957
A desert Race of the Great Grey Shrike, New to the British Isles . Williamson, K., British Birds Volume L, 246-249, 1957
Photographic studies of some less Familiar Birds LXXXII. Great Grey Shrike . Ferguson-Lees, I., j., Photographs, Hosking, E.; Göttschi., British Birds Volume , 250-253, 1957
Vom Zug des Raubwürgers in Europa nach den Ringfunden . Schültz, E., Beirr. Vögelnde., 5: 201-206, 1957
Winter Territorialism of Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) . Bergstrom, E.A., Journal of Field Ornithology, 28:3: 160, 1957
Een Klapekster bij “De Fochtel” . Leeuwarder Courant, 13: Zaterdag 19 Maart 1957
Klapekster bleef stil zitten; vrij zeldzame wintergast liet zich genadelijk fotograveren . Friese Koerier, 5: Donderdag 14-03-1957
Zur kleinvogeljagd des Raubwürgers, Fellenberg, W.O., Natur u. Heimat 16: 64, 1958
The Birds of the Palearctic Fauna, Passiriformes . Vaurie, C., London, UK, 762, 1959
Pticy SSSR (Birds of the USSR), Part IV . Portenko, L.A., 187-191, 1960
Recent Emigrations of Northern Shrikes . Davis, D.E., The Auk, 77:3: 347 – 348, 1960
Fauna Anadyrskojo kraja (Die fauna des Anadyr-Gebietes). . Portenko, L., Leningrad; dgl, 1960
De klapekster . Kussendrager, D., Vanellus, 31-33, 1960
Great Grey Shrike persistently chasing pipit . Harrison, C.J.O., British Birds, 54: 366, 1961
Great Grey Shrike persistently chasing Dunnock . Stokoe, R., British Birds, 54: 163-164, 1961
Recoveries of ringed migratory and residential birds at Hingolgadh, Jasdan . Shivrajkumar Y., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 58:3: 807, 1961
Rauchschwalbe als beute des Raubwürgers. . Dick, W.; Holupirek, H., Falke, 9: 353-354, 1962
Achteruitgang van de Klapekster (Lanius excubitor) in Noord-Brabant . Wittgen, A.D., D Levende Natuur 65: 28-33, 1962
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) im Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt . Holupirek, H., Veröff. Mus. Naturkde. Karl-Marx-Stadt, 6: 75-84, 1962
Pticyi Severo-Vostoka Yakutii (The Birds of the North-East of Yakutia) . Uspenky, S.M.; Berne, R.L.; Priklonsky, S.G.; Vekhov, V.N., Moscow State University. Ornitologiya Moskva, Idz., 4: 64-86, 1962
Wing movements, hunting, and displays of the Northern Shrike . Cade, T.J., The Wilson Bulletin, 74:3: 386 – 408, 1962
Lanius excubitor L. (The Red Data Book of Ukraine) . Vinter, S.V., Ukrainska encyclopedia, Kyiv, 364, 1963
Pticyi Yakutii (The Birds of Yakutia) . Vorobyev, K.A., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 336, 1963
Zur Winternährung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Schnurre, O., Beitr. z. Vögelnd., 10: 239, 1964
Die Nahrung des Raubwürgers auf grund der Analyse von Gewöllen und Rupfungen . Bohác, D., Zool. Listy, 13: 107-110, 1964
Feeding habits of a Great Grey Shrike in winter . Mester, H., British Birds, 58: 375-417, 1965
De klapekster en zijn prooi . Sterk, H., J, W. de, Vanellus, jaargang 18/12, 255, 1965
Ecological and behavioral aspects of predation by the Northern Shrike . Cade, T. J, Living Bird, 6: 43–86. 1967
Klapekster. Pp. . Wittgen, A.B., Avifauna van Noord Brabant 218-219, 1967
Die Entwicklung des Spießens und Klemmens bei den drei Würgerarten Lanius collorio, L. senator und L. excubitor . Lorenz, K.; Saint Paul, U. von, Journal für Ornithologie, 109: 2: 137-156, 1968
Über das Vorkommen der Würger in Oberösterreich . Erlach, O.; Mayer, G., Egretta, 11: 28-40, 1968
Pticyi Kolyimskogo nagorya (The Birds ofthe Kolyma Upland) . Kishinsky, A.A., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 185, 1968
A revised Check-list of the Birds of the Maltese Islands . Lucca, C. de; Classey, E.W., Ltd., 1969
A Great Grey Shrike in a sorry state . Lavkumar, K.S., Newsletter for Birdwatchers 9:8: 6 – 7, 1969
Impaling behavior of the loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus . Wemmer, C. Z., Tierpsychol 26:208–224, 1969
The impaling of prey by shrikes . Beven, G., England, M. D., British Birds 62, 192, 1969
On the food and feeding habits of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Finland . Grönlund, S.; Itämies, J.; Mikkola, H., Ornis Fenn, 47: 167–171, 1970
Raubwürger schlug Singdrossel . Niendorf, B., Falke, 17: 175, 1970
Great Grey Shrike feeding at autumn roost . Pell, E.; Hodson, N. L., British Birds, 63: 86, 1970
Die Nahrung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) im milden Winter 1966/67 in Ostbrandenburg nach Gewöllanalysen . Schmidt, A., Beitr. z. Tierwelt d. Mark. IV:18: 95-107, 1970
Beitrag zur Winterernährung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) im Bezirk Frankfurt (Oder) . Haensel, H.; Heuer, B., I. Ebd.,15: 89-104, 1970
Birds of the Soviet Union, Volume VI . Demientiev, G.P.; Gladkov, N.A., Israel Prgram for Sientific Translations, Jerusalem, 34-38, 1970
Untersuchungen zur ethologie und ökologie des Rotkopfwürgers (Lanius senator) in Südwestdeutschland im vergleich zu Raubwürger (L. excubitor), Schwarzstirnwürger (L. minor) und Neuntöter (L. collurio) . Ullrich, B, Vogelwarte, 26: 1–77, 1971
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) im Erzgebirge . Holupirek, H., Ebd. 10: 313-316, 1971
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) im Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt . Holipirek, H., Veröff. Mus. Naturk., Karl Marx Stadt, 6: 75-84, 1971
Spruce Grouse attacked by a Northern Shrike . Ellison, L. N., Wilson Bull., 83: 99-100, 1971
Beiträg zur ernährungsbiologie des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) mit einer notiz über federnester . Bergmann, H.-H.; Haferkorn, A., Die Vogelwelt, 92: 66-73, 1971
Spruce Grouse Attacked by a Northern Shrike . Laurence N. E., The Wilson Bulletin, 83:1: 99 – 100, 1971
The proximate costs and benefits of polygyny to male of Northern Shrikes . Trivers, Willson Bulletin, Volume 103:1: 146-149, 1972
The ontogeny of impaling behavior in the Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus, Smith, S.M., Behaviour 42, 232–24, 1972
Food manipulation by young Passerines and the possible evolutionary history of impaling by Shrikes . Smith, S.M.,Wilson Bull., 85:3: 318–322., 1973
An aggressive display and related behavior in the Loggerhead Shrike, Smith, S. M., Auk, 90: 287–298, 1973
Intraspeczifische Ausformungen im Flügel und Schwanzbau bei Würger, Formenkreisen der Gattung Lanius (Aves Laniidea) . Eck. S., Zool. Abb. Mus. Tierkd., Dresden, 32: 75-119, 1973
On the status and distribution of the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor Linnaeus in Mysore . Ghorpade, K.D., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 70:2: 380, 1973
De wakende slager en nog wat . Van Barneveld, J., Nederlands Dagblad/Gereformeerd Gezinsblad, November 1973
Ein Ernährungsbild des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) bei gehäuftem Auftreten der Feldmaus (Microtus arvalis) . Oeser, R., Beitr. z. Vogelkde. 20: 161-172, 1974
Emigrations of Northern Shrikes 1959-1970 . Davis, D.E., The Auk, 91:4: 821 – 825, 1974
Haben die Rassen der Raubwürges Lanius e. excubitor und Lanius excubitor meridionalis unterschiedliche Paarbindungsmodi? . Dorka, V., Ullrich, B, Anzeiger der Ornithologischen Gesellshaft in Bayern, Band 14, 2, 1975
Der Raubwürger in Ungarn (The Great Grey Shrike in Hungary) . Beretzk, P.; Keve, A., Zool. Abh. Mus. Tierk. Dresden, Bd., 33:10: 151-161, 1975
The 1st occurrence of the Eastern Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor homeyeri new record in Hungary . Horvath, L., Allattani Kozlemenyek 62: 1-4: 139-141, 1975
Raubwürger, Lanius excubitor, erbeutet melschwalbe Melichon urbica . Dathe, H., Vogelkde, 20: 284, 1975
Vögel als Beute des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Friemann, H., Orn. Mitt. 27: 143-145, 1975
Lapinharakan (Lanius ex. excubitor) käayttäytymise, sta ja ravinnosta Nurmossa talvina 1972/73 ja 1973/74 . Kauppi, H.; Rajala, E., Teil 1 u. 2. Suomenselän Linnut, 10: 36-41, 86-92, 1975
Der Zug Europäischer Singvögel II, ein atlas der Wiederfunde Beringter Vögel . Zink,B., Raubwürger Lanius excubitor, 2-2, 1975
On the occurrence of Lanius excubitor aucheri, Bonaparte in Punjab . Abdulali, H., Journal of the Bombay Natural History SocietyJ, 72:2: 548, 1975
Dagboek schetsen . Van Barneveld, Januari 1975
Herfst- en winterwaarnemingen van de Klapekster (Lanius excubitor) in België . Grootears, P., Wielewaal, 42: 179-186, 1976
Method of preying in the Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor (Linn.) in the Rajasthan desert . Jain A.P., Newsletter for Birdwatchers 16:7: 10, 1976
The ontogeny of cricket killing and mouse killing in Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus . Busbee, E.L., Condor 78, 357–365, 1976
Possible ecological role of food caches of Loggerhead Shrikes . Applegate, R.D., Auk, 94: 192–199., 1977
Raubwürger nutzt Geotropus spiniger-Überangebot . Michaelis, H., Natur u. Heimat, 37: 62-64, 1977
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor L.) im Bezirk Suhl . Höland, J., Thüringer Ornithologische Mitteilungen,. 23: 15-18, 1977
A propos du régime alimentaire de la Pie-grièche grise (Lanius excubitor) . Libois, R., Aves, 14: 147, 1977
Beitrag zur Brutbiologie und Ernährung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Österbotten, Finnland . Huhtula, K.; Itämies, J.; Mikkola, H., Beitr. Vogelkd. 23: 129-146, 1977
30jährige Bestandsaufnahme von Raubwürger Lanius excubitor und Rotkopwürger Lanius senator am nordwestlichen Bodensee . Sonnabend, H.; Plotz, W., Anz. orn. Gesellschaft in Bayern, Band 17: 1/2: 133-139, April 1978
Ekologiya i rasprostranenie ptic na Severo-Vostoke SSSR (Ecology and Distribution of the Birds on the North-East Soviet Union) . Krechmar, A.V.; Andreyev, A.V.; Kondratyev, A.Y., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 194, 1978
The status of the Northern Shrike in New Mexico . Hubbard, J.P., Western Birds 9:4: 159 – 168, 1978
Klapekster is een roofzuchtige zangvogel . Oyen, G., Dier, Vrijuit, Limburgsch dagblad, 21: Zaterdag 9 September 1978
Förandringar i varfagelns, Lanius excubitor, utbredning i Sverige under de senaste artiondena . Olsson, V., Var Fagelvarld 40: 447-454, 1980
Frugivory by Great Grey Shrikes by Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor . Parrott, J., Ibis, 122: 4: 532-533, 1980
Pticyi Koryakskogo nagorya (The Birds of Koryak Upland) . Kishinsky, A.A., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 329, 1980
Geschlechtsdimorphes Schwanzzeichnungen bei Raubwürgern, Lanius excubitor ssp. . Dohmann, M., Okol. Vögel 2: 151-175, 1980
Slugs as food for the Grey Shrike . Kumar S.T., Mayura 1:2: 22, 1980
Grey Shrike and Black Drongo hunting scorpion and the centipede . Sharma, I.K., Newsletter for Birdwatchers 20:5: 6, 1980
Ungewöhnliche nahrung eines Raubwürgers . Krauβ, A., Falke, 28: 211, 1981
Stelzen, Pieper und Würger, Kennzeichen und Mauser europäischer Singvögel . Bub, H., Die Neue Brehm-Bücherei, A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, 1981
Beiträge zur Ernährung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) in der Nordschweiz (Ajoie, Kanton Jura) . Bassin, P.; Huber C.; Zuber, M., Jb. d. Naturhistor Museums Bern 8: 1-19, 1981
A Field Guide to the Birds of Japan . Massey, J. A.; Sonobe, K.; Robinson, J.W., Wild Bird Society of Japan, 234-235, 1982
Nest-site choice and breeding biology of the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, in N.W. Switzerland . Bassin, P., Nos Oiseaux 36: 333 – 353, 1982
The hunting technique of a Great Grey Shrike . Schandy, T., Var Fuglefauna 5: 17, 1982
Zur überwinterung des Raubwürgers im Sauerland . Grünwald, H., Sauerland, 4: 122-124, 1983
Mammals as food of wintering Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) . Grünwald, H., Sauerland Mts., FRG., Charadrius, 19: 193 – 204, 19883
The food spectrum of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the winter 1981–82 . Grünwald, H., Vogelwarte, 104: 201 – 208, 1983
Field identification of shrikes .
, Ontario Birds, 1:1: 18-21, 1983
Voedsel van klapekster . Huijssen, R., Kruisbek, 26: 54, 1983
Winterrevier und Ansitztreue des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Schmidtke, K.; Brandl, R., Verh. orn. Ges. Bayern, 23: 443-458, 1983
Die Würger der Paläarktis, Gatung Lanius . Dr. E.N. Panov, Die Neue Brehm-Bucherei, A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt, 1983
Wat is er met de Klapekster gebeurt? . Slings, Q.L., Graspieper, 3: 122-125, 1983
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), Golden – Birds of North America . Chandler; Robbins, S; Bruun, B.; Zim, H.S., Golden Guides from St. Martin’s Press, 260, 1983
Field identification of shrikes . James, R.D., Ontario Birds, 1: 18 – 19, 1983
The influence of a new water reservoir on breeding populations of shrikes (Lanius excubitor, L. collurio) . Kowalski, H., Charadrius, 19: 26 – 32, 1983
Winter territory and perching strategy of the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor . Schmidtke, K.; Brandl, R., Verh. Ornithol. Ges. Bayern, 23: 443 – 458, 1983
Notes (Great Grey Shrike pellet analysis) . Francis, M., British Birds 76(10): 458, 1983
Raubwürger erbeutet Rohrammer im Fuge . Krimmholtz, D., Falke, 31: 211, 1984
Verliest de Klapekster zijn status als wintergast in de Kempen? . Peeters, L., Blauwe Klauwier, 10:2: 23, 1984
Abname der Winterbeobachtungen des Raubwürgers Lanius excubitor in der Schweiz zwischen 1971/72 und 1982/83 . Winkler, R., Orn. B., 81: 74-76, 1984
Über Gewölle des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) aus Überwinterungshabitaten . Grünwald, H, Charadrius, 19: 193-204, 1984
Food of wintering Great Grey Shrikes in the Sauerland . Grünwald, H., Mts., Westphalia, FRG., Charadrius, 20, 36 – 44, 1984
Artenhilfsprogramm Raubwürger . Kowalski, H., LÖLF-Merkblätter zum Biotop- u. Artenschutz Nr. 20, 1984
Varfågelns Lanius excubitor vintervanor . Olsson, V., III Jaktmetoder, Vår Fågelvarld 43: 405-414, 1984
The winter habits of the Great Gray Shrike, Lanius excubitor. I. Habitat. II. Territory. III. Hunting methods . Vår Fågelvarld 43: 113 – 124, 199–210, 4, 1984
Sites de nidification et reproduction de la Pie-griéche grise dans le nord-ouest de la Suisse (Ajaoie, canton de Jura) . Bassin, P.; Huber, C.; Zuber, M., Nos Oiseaux, 36: 333-353, 1984
Lanius excubitor “jebelmarrae.” . Nikolaus, G., Bulletin of British Ornithology Club, 104: 147, 1984
Autumn and winter food in the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the Erzgebirge . Oeser, R., Beitrage zur Vogelkunde 30: 15 – 18, 1984
Northern Shrike–Blue Jay interplay . Pitzrick, V.M., Kingbird 34: 101, 1984
Killing more than is necessary . Sharma S.K., Newsletter for Birdwatchers, 24: 11-12: 6 – 7, 1984
Ornithological observations in the northeastern part of the region east of Lake Baikal . Zinchenko, Y.K., Ornithologia, 19: 178 – 179, 1984
De Klapekster, een sierlijk “randgeval” . Leeuwarder Courant, November 1984
Bestandserhebung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) in NRW mit überregionalen Daten zur Bestandsentwickelung . Kowalski, H., Charadrius, 20: 158-167, 1985
Der Raubwuurgerbestand (Lanius excubitor) auf der ehemaligen Brandfläche des Gartower Forstes 1983 und 1984, Lüchow-Dannenb. . Wagner, C., Ornithol. Jahresber., 10: 89-96, 1985
Morphologische Unterscheide und Verhaltensdifferenzierungen bei Verschiedenen Raubwürgerrassen, Spiegeln solche Unterschiede erkennbar die Entwicklungsgeschichte von Lanius excubitor wieder? . Lohmann, M., Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Dokters der Naturwissenschaft der Fakultät für Biologie der Eberhard – Karls – Universität Tübingen, 1985
Varfågelns Lanius excubitor vintervanor Del IV. Behandling av bytet . Olsson, V., Vår Fågelvärld, 44: 269–283, 1985
The winter habits of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor). IV. Handling of prey . Olsson, V., Vår Fågelvarld 44: 269 – 283, 1985
Winterplaatstrouw bij Klapeksters Lanius excubitor . Buker, J.B., Limosa, 58: 35-35, 1985
Zum Vorkommen der Würger (Lanius spec.) in Stadt- und Landkreis Offenbach . Erlemann, P., Vogel Umwelt, 3; 191-212, 1985
Reproduction of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor meridionalis) in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula . de la Cruz Solis, C.; F. de Lope Rebollo, Gerfault, 75: 199 – 209, 1985
Large Grey Shrike killing a snake . Rahmani A.R.; Bhushan, B., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 82:3: 656 – 657, 1985
Cooperative breeding in Lanius shrikes. I. Habitat and demography of two sympatric species . Zack, S.;Ligon, J.D., Auk, 102: 754 – 765, 1985
Cooperative breeding in Lanius shrikes. II. Maintenance of group-living in a nonsaturated habitat . Zack, S.; Ligon, J.D., Auk, 102: 766 – 773, 1985
De Natuur in November III; noord en zuid . Van Barneveld, J., Nederlands Dagblad/Gereformeerd Gezinsblad, November 1985
Notes (Call of Great Grey Shrike) . Kramer, D., British Birds 78(1): 49, 1985
Weitere Mitteilungen zur Überwinterungs des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Sauerland (1982/83 und 1983/84) . Grünwald, H, Ebd., 20: 36-44, 1986
On the prey of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) during summer in the Sauerland . Grünwald, H., Mts., Westphalia, FRG.], Charadrius, 22: 16 – 22, 1986
Mitteilungen zur Sommernahrung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Sauerland . Grünwald, H., Charadrius, 22: 16-22, 1986
Achteruitgang van de Klapekster Lanius excubitor als wintergast/Decline in numbers of wintering Great Grey Shrikes, Lanius excubitor (Netherlands) . Bijlsma, R. G., Limosa, 59:2: 94-96, 1986
Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus dacotiae) captures a Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor koenigi) . Schultz, H., Ökologie der Vögel, 8: 108-109, 1986
Lanius excubitor mollis obtained in Osaka Prefecture . Yamatani, K., Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 35.4: 165 – 166, 1986
The winter habits of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor). V – Choice of prey . Olsson, V., Vår Fågelvarld, 45: 19 – 31, 1986
No. 933. Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor lahtora (Sykes), Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan . Ali, S.; Ripley, S.D., Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Volume 5 (Larks to Grey Hypocolius ): 79, 1986
De-ticking by a Large Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor . Sankaran, R.; Rahmani A.R., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 83: 210 – 211, 1986
Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in Lack, Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland, B.T.O. and Irish Wildbird Conservancy, T & A.D. Poyser, Calton, Bland, B., 1986
De relatie tussen het voedsel van de klapekster en het voorkomen van kleine zoogdieren op de Tongerense heide . Bosch, H.; Bosch, F., Natura, 8: 171-173, 1987
Klapekster Lanius excubitor . Bijlsma, R. G., SOVON, Atlas van de Nederlandse Vogels, Beek Ubbergen: 476-477, 1987
De Klapekster Lanius excubitor in het Rijk van Nijmegen en omstreken, 1960-1986 . Heg, D., De Mourik 13: 159-166, 1987
Zur Ausdauer des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor), bei der Vögeljagd . Haensel, J., Beitr. Vogelknd., 33: 223-224, 1987
An observation of scavenging behaviour by a Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) . James, R.D.; Harrison, T.G., Ontario Birds, 5: 72 – 73, 1987
An invasion of Northern Shrikes in Cimarron County, Oklahoma . Seltman, S., Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, 20: 7 – 8, 1987
Untersuchungen an Wintergewöllen des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) . Jentsch, M.; Otto, F., Beirr. Vögelnde., 34: 93-100, 1988
Nestling transfer in the Northern Shrike . Yosef, R.; Pinshow, B., The Auk, 105:3: 580-581, July 1988
Polygygy in the Northern Shrike Lanius excubitor in Israël . Yosef, R.; Pinshow, B., The Auk, 105:3: 581-582, July 1988
Birds of the Middle East and North Africa A Companion Guide . Hollom, P.A.D.; Porter, K.F.; Christensen, S.; Willis, I., Buteo Books, South Dakota, 222-223, 1988
Ornitofauna Severo-Vostoka Azii (Ornithofauna of the Far East Asia) . Kishinsky, A.A., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 286, 1988
Bestandsrückgänge bei Heidelerche, Grauammer und Dohle im Übergangsbereich Waldviertel/Weinviertel. Vogelschutz in Österreich, 2:79-81, 1988
Pellets of wintering Lanius excubitor L. in the Goldene Aue, East Germany . Jentzsch, M.; F. Otto, Beitrage zur Vogelkunde, 34: 93 – 100., 1988
De spietsgewoonten van de Klauwieren . Brouwer, F.I., Levende Natuur, Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, 9: Dinsdag 19-07-1988
Letters (Confusing shrikes) . Svennson, L.,Birdwatch 68: 16, 1988
Cache size in Shrikes influences female made choice and reproductive success . Yosef, R.; Pinshow, B., The Auk 106: 3: 418-421, July 1989
Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the Ilemi Triangle . Pearson, D.J.; Coverdate, M.A.C.; Acher, A.L., Scopus, 13: 134, 1989
Natural History and Management of the San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike, Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology . Scott, T.A.; Morrison, M.L., 4:2, 1990
An investigation of population status and breeding biology of the Loggerhead Shrike in Indiana . Burton, K.M.; Whitehead, D.R. Indiana Dep. of Nat. Resour, 1990
Kempische klapekstertelling in de winter van 1989-1990 . Heijnen, T,: Van Happen, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 16: 3/4: 4-5, , 1990
Simultaantelling van Klapeksters op de Strabrechtse Heide . Van Happen, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 16: 1: 4-5, 1990
Simultaantelling van Klapeksters op de Strabrechtse Heide . Van Happen, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 16: 3/4: 6-7, 1990
Zur Brutbiologie und Ernährung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) im Kreis Sangerhausen . Ruppe, S.; Materna, S., Beitr. Vögelnd., 36: 222-226, 1990
Konspekt ornitologicheskoi fauny SSSR (Summary of the Ornithological Fauna of the USSR) . Stepanyan, L.S., Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 726, 1990
Die systematische Stellung von Lanius excubitor meridionalis Temminck 1820 . Eck, S., Zool. Abb. Mus. Tierkde, Dresden 46: 56-62
Territoriality of the Great Gray Shrike (Lanius excubitor meridionalis) . Crus, C.; Lope, F. de; de Silva, E.., Testudo, 1:315 – 327, 1990
Great Gray Shrikes Lanius excubitor wintering in the Upper Engadin, Swiss Alps . Bürkli, W., Ornithol. Beob., 87,: 55, 1990
Insects as winter food of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) . Lissak, W., Ornithologische Jahreshefte Baden-Württemberg, 6: 97 – 99, 1990
Density of wintering Lanius excubitor in southeast Austria . Samwald, O.; Samwald, F., Egretta 33: 86 – 88, 1990
Zur Sommernahrung des Raubwürgers, Lanius excubitor, im Süd- und Nordharzvorland . Grimm, H., Beitr. Vogelknd. 37: 129-147, 1991
The Shrikes display advertising . Sloane, S., Nat. Hist. 91:6: 32–38., 1991
Simultaantelling van Klapeksters op de Strabrechtse Heide, 1991 . Van Happen, P.: wouters, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 17: 3/4: 22-23, 1991
The Proximate Costs and Benefits of Polygyny to Male Northern Shrikes . Yosef, R., Mitchell, W.A., Pinshow, B., The Wilson Bulletin 103:1: 146 – 149, 1991
Mitteilungen zur Sommernahrung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Sauerland . Grünwald, H., Ebd. 22: 16-22, 1991
Die Gartenbänderschnecke (Cepaea hortensis) als Beute eines überwinternden Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Grünwald, H, Ebd., 27: 81-87, 1991
Winter ecology of Northern Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) in Idaho: foraging, territories, and niche overlap with American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) . Atkinson, E.C., M.Sc. thesis, Boise State University, Boise, ID, 1991
Beobachtungen an einer Winterpopulation des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) . Schmidt, W., Fauna-Flora Rheinld. Pfalz, 6: 655-674, 1991
Het voedsel van de Klapekster Lanius excubitor in Boswachterij Hoogdalen . van Manen, W., Drentse Vogels, 4: 9-12, 1991
Pticyi severnykh ravnin (The Birds of the Northern Lowlands) . Krechmar, A.V.; Andreyev, A.V.; Kondratyev, A.Y., Nauka Publishers, Leningrad, 1991
Polygyny in the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor (L.) . Lorek. G., Przeglad Zool. 35: 355 – 359, 1991
Feeding behavior of a Northern Shrike . Smith, A., Utah Birds, 7: 9 – 12, 1991
Ptitsy ostrova Sakhalin [Birds of Sakhalin Island] . Nechaev, V.A., Vladivostok: Far East Branch, USSR Ac. of Sc.: 748, In Russ., 1991
On the food of the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor L., wintering on farmland in eastern Austria . Straka, U., 13: 213 – 226, 1991
Over een klapekster . Hoatse, Leeuwarder Courant, 1991
Energetics and growth rate of Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) nestlings . Degen, A.A.; Pinshow, B.; Yosef, R.; Kam, M.; Nagy, K.A., Ecology 73:6: 2273-2283, 1992
Simultane klapekstertelling op de Strabrechtse heide 1992 . Van Happen, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 18: 4: 18, 1992
Der Handflügelindex südwestpalaearktischer Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) — Kritik eines Klischees . Eck, E., Journal für Ornithologie, 133:4: 349-364, 09/1992
Behavior of Polygynous and Monogamous Loggerhead Shrikes and a Comparison with Northern Shrikes . Yosef, R., The Wilson Bulletin 104:4: 747 – 749, 1992
The wing tip index of southwest Palaearctic Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) — a hackneyed phrase re-analyzed . Eck, S., Journal für Ornithologie, 133:4: 394-364, 01/1992
Male-biased breeding site fidelity in a population of Northern Shrikes . Yosef, R., The Condor, 94:4: 1025-1027, 1992
A composite threadle/bal-chatri trap for Loggerhead Shrikes . Yosef, R.; Lohrer, F.E., Wildlife Society Bulletin, 20: 116-118, 1992
From nest building to fledging of young in Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) in Sede Boqer, Israel . Yosef, R., Journal Ornithologica, 3:133: 279-285, 1992
Predator exaptations and defensive adaptations in evoltionary balance: no defense is perfect . Yosef, R.; Whitman, D.W., Evolutionary Ecology, 6: 527-537, 1992
Zur Situation des Raubwuurgers Lanius excubitor in Bayern unter Beruucksichtigung überregionaler Daten . Rothhaupt, G., Orn. Verh. 25: 151-167, 1992
Identification Guide to European Passerines . Svensson, L., 4th edition ed. Stockholm, 281-283, 1992
The Birds of Central Siberia . Rogacheva, H., Husun Druck- ind Verlaggesellschaft, 414-415, 1992
Possible occurrence of the Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor Linn. in Assam . Choudhury A., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 89:1: 124 – 125, 1992
Energetics and growth rate of Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor) nestlings . Degen, A.A., et al., Ecology, 73: 2273 – 2283, 1992
Notes on wintering Northern Shrikes in central Minnesota . Lee, M.D.; Carroll, M.A.; Marinan, R.P., Loon, 64: 43 – 47, 1992
The Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) female attacking the observer . Lorek, G., Notatki Ornitologiczne, 33: 333 – 334, 1992
Bat as food of Northern Shrike . Pittaway, R.; Burke, P., Brenner, D., Ontario Birds, 10: 30 – 31, 1992
Shrike captures Cardinal . Pitzrick, V. M.; Pitzrick, M., Kingbird, 42: 15, 1992
A review of records of the Northern Shrike-tit Falcunculus frontatus whitei in northwestern Australia . Robinson, D.; Woinarski, J.C.Z., South Australian Ornithologist, 31: 111 – 117, 1992
Notes (Great Grey Shrike eating hawthorn berries) . Eyre Dickinson, J.C., British Birds85(6), 1992
Driehoornmestkevers Typhaeus typhoeus als prooi van een Klapekster Lanius excubitor: ontleden of verzwelgen? . Van Manen, W., Drentse Vogels 5: 62-65, 1992
Ökologisch-ethologische Beobachtungen in einem Winterhabiat des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) im nördlichen Sauerland (1981/82-1991/92) . Grünwald, H., Charadrius, 3: 109-121, 1993
The Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Bavaria in 1991 . Rothhaupt, G., Ornithol. Verh., 25: 150 – 167, 1993
The shrikes of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East] . Lefranc, N., Delachaux et Niestle, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993
Raubwürger-Paar (Lanius excubitor) beeinflußt Verteilung von Braunkehlchen-Revieren (Saxicola rubetra)/Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) affects the distribution of Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) territories . Bastian, H. V., Journal für Ornithologie, 134:2: 196-199, 1993
Untersuchungenz zur Brutbiologie des Raubwürgers lanius excubitor im Südostwestfalen . Hölker, M., Vogelwelt, 114: 86-98, 1993
L’aire de distribution francaise et le statut taxonomique de la Pie-grièche mériodonale Lanius elegans meridionalis . Isenmann, P.; Bouchet, M.A., Alauda, 61: 223-227, 1993
Suivi d’un couple de Pie-grieche Grise (Lanius excubitor) nicheur au printemps . Vieuxtemps, D., Aves, 31:1:: 51-62, 1993
Prey transport by Loggerhead Shrikes . Yosef, R., Condor, 95: 231–233, 1993
Effects of vegetation heights on hunting behavior and diet of Loggerhead Shrikes . Yosef, R.; Grubb Jr, T.C. , The Condor, 95:1: 127-131, 1993
The impaling behavior of the Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus in eastern Texas. Mizzel, K.L., M.Sc. Thesis. Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, 1993
Les Pies-Grièches D’ Europe D’ Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient . Lefranc, N.; Nicolle, S., Delachaux et Niestlé, WWF, Lausanne/Paris, 1993
Trends in numbers of Loggerhead Shrikes on roadside censuses in Peninsu Lar Florida, 1974-1992 . Yosef, R.; Layne, J.N.; Lohrer, F.E, Biological Sciences, Vol 56, 1993
Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas, vol 13 . Glutz von Blotzheim und Bauer, K., Wiesbaden, 1993
Influence of observation posts on territory size of Northern Shrikes . Reuven Yosef, Willson Bulletin, 105:1: 180-183, 1993
Effects of Little Owl predation on Northern Shrike post fledging succes . Yosef, R., The Auk, 110:2: 396-398, 1993
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North America. The Birds of the Western Paleartic, Vol. 7 . Cramo, S.; Perrins, C.M., Oxford University Press, 1993
Winter territories and night roosts of Northern Shrikes in Idaho . Atkinson, E.C., Condor, 95: 515 – 527, 1993
Winter foraging and diet composition of Northern Shrikes in Idaho . Atkinson, E.C.; Cade, T.J., Condor, 95: 528 – 535, 1993
Northern Shrike, Lanius excubitor: a new species for Borneo and South-East Asia . Mann, C.F.; Diskin, D.A., Forktail 8:153, 1993
Prey storing by the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in La Serena (Badajoz) and Sierra de Cabo de Gata (Almera) . Hernandez, A.; Salgado, J.M., Butll. GCA 10, Pages 63 – 65, 1993
Seasonal variation, interspecific overlap and diet selection in three sympatric shrike species (Lanius spp.) . Hernandez, A., Purroy, F. J. and Salgado, J. M., Ardeola, 40:2: 143 – 154, 1993
Breeding season and multiple brooding of some common birds in west central Saudi Arabia . Newton, S.; Newton, A., Phoenix, 10: 16 – 17, 1993
Habitat -specific nutriational condition in Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus): evidence from ptilochronology . Yosef, R.; Grubb Jr, T.C., The Auk, 11:3: 756-759, 1994
Simultane klapekstertelling op de Strabrechtse heide 1994 . Van Happen, P., De Blauwe Klauwier 19: 4: 6-7, 1992
Le statut de distribution française et la statut taxinomique de la Pie-grièche méridionale Lanius meridionales . Isenmann, P.; Lefranc, N., Alauda, 62: 138, 1994
Morphological expression Formbildung in Grey Shrike species Lanius excubitor and its allies Uber die Formbildung bei den Raubwurger-Arten Lanius excubitor ua. Eck, S., Mitteilungen des Vereins Saechsischer Ornithologen, 75: 265-277, 1994
Ökologie der Vögel, Verhaltensbiologie und Lebensraum des Raubwürgers Lanius excubitor, Paarbildung, Brut- und Populationsbiologie, Habitatwahl und Gefieder-Zeichnung . Martin Schön, Band 16:1: 1-581, 1994
Intraspecific necrophagy in the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor L. . Lorek, G., Przeglad Zool., 38: 331 – 332, 1994
Über die Formbildung bei den Raubwürger-Arten (Lanius excubitor u.a.) . Eck, S., Mitt. Ver. Sächs. Orn., 7: 265-277, 1994
Handkenmerken, voor het bepalen van soort, geslacht en leeftijd van in het wild levende vogels . Speek, B.J., Vogeltrekstation Heteren, 182, 1994
Sällsynta fåglar i Sverige . Cederroth, C., SOF 1995, Fågelåret, 142, 1994
Characteristics of the habitats of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius e. excubitor in the region of the southwestern Schwäbische Alb, southwestern Germany: seasonal utilization and territory-size, structural characteristics and their changes, micro-structures and cultivation . Schön, M., Ecol. Birds, 16: 253–495, 1994
Sex-, age- and individual characters in the plumage pattern of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius e. excubitor in comparison with other shrikes: on the effectiveness of optical signals . Schön, M., Ecol. Birds 16: 11–80, 1994
Varfågel av rase homeyeri anträffad i Stockholmstrakten . Engström, P., Fåaglar i Stockholmstrakten, 23: 28, 1994
Observations of Great Shrikes in the north of Kiev region . Loparev, S.A., Berkut, 3: 58, 1994
A Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor (Linnaeus) killing a full grown Little Brown Dove Streptopelia senegalensis (Linnaeus) . Sharma, A.K., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 91:1: 142 – 143, 1994
Breeding season diet of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in forested habitats of southern Westphalia, Germany . Wagner, T., Vogelwarte, 115: 179 – 184, 1994
Temperature regulation of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the Negev desert. Field measurements of standard operativetemperatures and operatives . Ward, D.; Pinshow, B., Elsevier, Journal of Thermal Biology, 20:3: 271-297, June 1995
Shrikes as predators . Cade, T.J., Proc. West. Found. Verteb. Zool., 6: 1–5., 1995
Breeding status of the Great Grey Shrike in Poland . Lorek, G., West. Found. Vertebr. Zool., 6: 98-104, 1995
Breeding behavior of the Great Grey Shrike in southwestern Germany . Schon, M., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 235 – 241, 1995
Habitat structure, habitat change, and causes of decline in the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in southwestern Germany . Schon, M., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 142 – 149, 1995
Copulation behavior, mixed reproductive strategy, and mate guarding in the Great Grey Shrike . Lorek, G., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 218 – 227, 1995
Voedsel van Klapeksters Lanius excubitor in het broedseizoen . Bijlsma, R.G., Drentse Vogels, 8: 85-96, 1995
Energy and water use by Great Grey Shrike nestlings in unpredictable desert environments . Pinshow B; Degen, A.A; Yosef, R; Kam, M; Nagy, K.A, Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 182 – 185, 1995
Zum brutzeitlichen Nahrungsspektrum des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor L.) in der Medebacher Bucht (Südost-Westfalen) . Wagner, T.; Hölker, M., Ökol. Vögel, 17: 231-233, 1995
Shrikes (Laniidae) of the World Biology and Conservation, Proceedings of type Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology . Yosef, R.; Lohrer, F.E., Volume 6:1, 1995
Le complexe Pie-grièche grise/Pie grièche méridionale Lanius (e.) excubitor/L. (e.) meridionalis: des groupes aux espèces . Lefranc, N., Ornithos, 2: 107-109, 1995
Identification des Pie-grièches ‘grises’ de France et du Paléarctique occidental . Lefranc, N., Ornithos, 2: 110-123 , 1995
Superspecies of shrikes in the former USSR . Panov, E.N., Proc. West Found Vert. Zool., 6: 26-33, 1995
Southern and eastern Great Grey Shrikes in northwest Europe . Clement, P.; Worfolk, T., Birding World, 8: 300-309, 1995
More Great Grey Shrikes . Clement, P.; Worfolk, T., Birding World, 8: 429, 1995
‘Steppe’ Great Grey Shrike in Cornwall . Ryan, J., British Birds, 88: 288-290, 1995
Sällsynta fåglar i Sverige . Cederroth, C., SOF 1995, Fågelåret, 141, 1995
Gråpannade törnskator . Hellström, M., Fåaglar i Västmanland 26: 62-63, 1995
Splittning, nya arter landet och bestämning per fax . Jonsson, L., SOF Fågelåret, 7-9, 1995
Selective predation by Northern Shrikes on small mammals in a natural environment . Hernandez, A., Journal of Field Ornithology, 66:2: 236 – 246
Status and trends of shrikes in Switzerland with special reference to the Great Grey Shrike . Bassin P., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 45 – 48, 1995
Status and habitat structure of the Great Grey Shrike in Luxembourg . Bechet, G.H., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 49 – 54, 1995
Shrikes Vologda region, northern European Russia . Butiev, V.T.; Lebedeva, E.A., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 61 – 63, 1995
Ecology of Northern Shrikes nesting in Arctic Alaska . Cade TJ.; Swem T., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 204 – 214, 1995
Selective predation by Northern Shrikes on small mammals in a natural environment . Hernandez, A., Journal of Field Ornithology, 66: 236 – 246, 1995
Pellets of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), Red-Backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) and Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator) . Hernandez, A., Ecologia, 9: 435 – 440, 1995
Shrikes nesting on Mount Hermon, Israel . Inbar, R., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 215 – 217, 1995
Indian Ring Dove Streptopelia decaocto (Frivaldszky) nesting in an abandoned nest of the Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor (Sykes) . Kumar, S., Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 92:3: 419 – 420, 1995
Distribution of shrikes in Lithuania . Kurlavicus, P., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 81 – 84, 1995
Shrikes in southern Daghestan (western coast of Caspian Sea) . Lebedeva, E.; Butiev, V.T., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 88 – 92, 1995
Status of shrikes in Belarus . Nikiforov, M.E.; Tishechkin, A.K.; Yaminsky, B.V., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 107, 1995
The effects of habitat changes on the distribution and population trends of the Great Grey Shrike and Red-backed Shrike in Sweden . Olsson V., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 108 – 111, 1995
Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor and Stoat Mustela erminea: inquisitiveness or possible kleptoparasitism? . Rehsteiner, U., Ornithol. Beob., 92: 81 – 85, 1995
Current status and habitat of the Great Grey Shrike in Germany . Rothhaupt G., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool., 6:1: 122 – 127, 1995
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America Howell, S.N.G.; Webb, S., Oxford University Press, USA, 612, 1995
Rare sighting of Grey Shrike in Arippa, Kerala . Susanthkumar, C., Newsletter for Birdwatchers 35:1: 16, 1995
The birds of the Bialowieza Forest -additional data and summary . Tomialoc, L., Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia, 38: 363 – 397, 1995
Cooperative breeding in Lanius shrikes III: A reply in hindsight to Zack and Ligon I, II . Zack, S., Proc. Western Foundation Vert. Zool. 6:1: 34 – 38, 1995
Letters (More Great Grey Shrikes) . Clement, P.; Worfolk, T., Birding World 8(11): 429, 1995
Projekt Raubwürger. Teil 1: Vegetations- und Landschaftsökologische Habitatanalyse in ausgewählten Brutrevieren des Waldviertels . Wrbka, T.; Ott, C.; Thurner, B.; Reiter, K., Unpubl. Studie im Auftrag des WWF-Forschungsinstitutes,Wien, 71, 1996
The status of passerines in southern Yemen and records of the OSME . Martins, R.P. et al., survey in spring, Sandgrouse 17: 54-72 (66), 1996
The Birds of Israel . Shirihai, H.; Dovrat, D.; Christie, D.A, Academic Press, 560-563, 1996
Tandem Repeats and heteroplasmy in the mitochondrial DNA Control Region of the Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) . Mundy, N.I.; Winchell, C.S.; Woodruff, D.S.; J. Heredity, 87: 21-26, 1996
Birds of the Middle East . Porter, R. F.; Christensen, S.; Schiermacker-Hansen, P., Academic Press, 194, 195 and 403, 1996
A propos des limites d’ aires de distribution de la Pie-grièche grise Lanius excubitor et de la Pie-grièche méridionale Lanius meridionalis dans le sud du Massif Central . Brugiere, D., Alauda, 64: 275, 1996
The Steppe Grey Shrike in Essex . Cox, S., Birding World, 9, 432-433, 1996
Raptor-like passerines—some similarities and differences of shrikes (Lanius) and raptors . Schön, M., Ecol. Birds, 18: 173–216, 1996
Non-breeding site fidelity in Northern Shrikes . Rimmer, C.C;Darmstadt, C.H., Journal of Field Ornithology, 67:3: 360 – 366, 1996
Northern Shrike kills bird over water . Di Labio, B.M., Ontario Birds, 14: 84, 1996
Rare birds in the Netherlands in 1994 . Wiegant, W. M.; Steinhaus, G.H. CDNA., Dutch Birding, 18, 105 – 121, 1996
Notes (Great Grey Shrike eating Red-backed Shrike) . Lorek, G., British Birds89(10): 456-457, 1996
Selectieve predatie op Driehoornmestkevers Typhaeus typhoeus door Klapekster Lanius excubitor en Ransuil Asio otus? . Van Manen, W., Drentse Vogels 9: 45-46, 1996
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor): Vegetations- und landschaftsökologische Habitatanalyse in ausgewählten Brutrevieren des Waldviertels. Teil 2: Vergleichende Gesamtanalyse und Synonpsis . Studie des Forschungsinstitutes WWF Österreich (Projektleiter: Dick, Dr. G.), Wrbka, T.; Reiter, K., 71, 1997
Changes in the distribution and abundance of the Loggerhead Shrike . Cade, T. J.; Woods, C. P., Conserv. Biol., 11: 21-31, 1997
Singing for your supper: acoustical luring of avian prey by Northern Shrikes . Atkinson, E.C., Condor, 99: 203-206, 1997
Shrikes. A Guide to the Shrikes of the World . Lefranc, N.; Worfolk, T., Pica Press, Sussex, 1997
Steppeklapekster op Texel in september 1994 . Wassink, A., Dutch Birding, Jaargang 19:3: 116-121, 1997
Identification Guide to North American Birds, Part I, Columbidae to Ploceidae . Pyle, P., Slate Creek Press. California, USA, 271-272, 1997
Singing for your Supper: Acoustical Luring of Avian Prey by Northern Shrikes . Atkinson, E.C., The Condor, 99:1: 203 – 206, 1997
A capture record of the Northern Shrike-tit . Franklin, D.; Johnson, C.; Dostine, P.L., Northern Territory Naturalist, 15: 41 – 42, 1997
Winter-time behaviour of the Great Grey Shrikes in SW-Finland in 1992-1997 . Karlsson, S., Linnut, 32:6: 4 – 10, 1997
Winter of the butcher-bird: the Northern Shrike invasion of 1995–1996 . Petersen, W. R.; Davis Jr., W.E., Bird Observer of Eastern Massachusets, 77 – 83, 1997
Identification (Grey Matters) . Lefranc, N., Birdwatch 66: 23-30, 1997
Shrikes of the World – II: Conservation Implementation, Proceedings of the Second International Shrike Symposium 17-23 march 1996, International Birdwatching Center Eilat, Isräel . Yosef, R.; Lohrer, F., 1998
Klapeksters in de Engbertsdijkvenen in de winters 93/94 t/m 96/97 . Van den Akker, P., Ficedula 27:1: 29-33, 1998
Stor tornskade Lanius excubitor . Borch Grell, M., Dansk Ornitologisk Forening, Gads Overlag, 694-695, 1998
Common Kestrels and Great Grey Shrike hunting insects by artificial light . Tryjanowski, P.; Lorek, G.,. British Birds, 91: 327, 1998
Identification of the Great Grey Shrike complex in Europe . Tenevuo, J.; Varrela, J., Alula, 1: 2-11, 1998
Hur många kryss kan mjölkas ur varfågeln?/ How many ticks can be obtained from the Great Grey Shrike? . Svensson, L., Roadrunner 1:98: 14-22, 1998
Northern Shrike takes a Pine Grosbeak . Beneke, B., Loon, 70:168 – 169, 1998
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), Pocket Guide to the Birds of Britain and North-West Europe . Kightly, K.; Madge, S.; Nurney, D., 260, 1998
Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) at raised bogs in northern Belarus . Ivanovsky, V.V.; Kuzmenzo, V.Y., Subbuteo, 1:21: 24, 1998
The food composition of the Great Gray Shrike in the winter-territories of SW-Finland . Karlsson, S., Linnut, 33:1: 8 – 11, 1998
Rare birds recorded in Poland in 1997 . Komisja Faunistyczna, Notatki Ornitologiczne 39: 151 – 174, 1998
Letters (More grey matter) . Lefranc, N., Birdwatch68: 16-17, 1998
Use of barbed wire by Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) to manipulate nest materials . Burton, K.M., The American Midland Naturalist, 142:1: 189-199, 1999
Loggerhead and Northern Shrike ID . Pittaway. R.; King, M., OFO News 17:1: 6-7, 1999
Geen heideveld zonder klapekster? . Hustings, F.; Van Winden, E,, SOVON-nieuws, jaargang 12:4, 1999
Les pies-grièches Lanius sp. en France : répartition et statut actuels, histoire récente, habitats . Lefranc N., Ornithos 6 : 58-82., 1999
Biologie, habitat et conservation de la pie-grièches (Lanius excubitor) en Ardenne, suivi de deux populations dans les regionsde Bastogne et de Spa . Bocca, S., Aves 36: 71-94, 1999
Zur sommernahrung des Raubwürgers, Lanius excubitor L., im Süd – und Nordschwarzwald . Haensel, H., J., Beirr. z. Vögelnd. ,37: 129-147, 1999
Use of barbed wire by Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) to manipulate nest materials . Burton, K.M., Am. Midl. Nat. 142: 198–199., 1999
Brutverbreitung, bruterfolg und nestplätze des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) in den March-Thaya-Auen 1998 und 1999 . Bericht an das amt der Nö Landesregierung—Abteilung Naturschutz, St. Pölten, Austria, Probst, R., 1999
Varfågel av rasen homeyeri gästade Öland . Ahlén,I.; Cederroth, C., 1998. Calidris, 28:2: 24-26, 1999
Stäppvarfågel [Lanius excubitor pallidirostris] anträffad i Värmland . Johansson, M., 1998. Värmlandsornitologen, 27: 34, 1999
Varfågel av rasen homeyerigästade Öland 1998 . Ahlén, I.; Cederroth, C., Calidris 28: 2: 24-26, 1999
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), Collins Bird Guide – Britain & Europe . Mullarney, K.; Svensson, L.; Zetterstrom, D.; Grant, P.J., Collins, 329, 1999
Shrikes’ larders . Tyrrell, J.R.J., Hornbill, July-September, 12 – 13, 1999
Shrikes & Bush-Shrikes, Including wood-shrikes, helmet shrikes, flycatcher-shrikes, philentomas, baptizes and wattle-eyes . Harris, T.;Franklin, K., Helm Identification Guides, A & C Black, London, 2000
Birds as Prey of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) . Lorek, G.; Tryjanowski, P.; Lorek, J., Ring 22:1: 37-44, 2000
Nestling diet, chick growth and breeding succes in the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) . Budden, A.E.; Wright, J., Ring 22:1: 165-172, 2000
Nestling diet, chick growth and breeding success in the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) . Budden, A.E.; Wright, J., The Ring, 22:1, 2000
Loggerhead Shrike, Lanius ludovicianus . McGowan, K.J., Armitage Road, Wayne/Senea Co., NY, 2000
Monte Carlo simulation tests for non-randomness in the spatial distribution of breeding shrikes . Etterson, M.A., Ring 22:1: 173-179, 2000
Wintering behavior of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in the Western Ukraine . Gorban, I., Ring 22:1: 45-50, 2000
The North American Bird Guide . Sibley, D., Pica Press, East Sussex, 340-341, 2000
Birds of Nepal . Grimmet, R.; Inskipp; C.; Inskipp, T., Christopher Helm, Pages 2000
A Field Guide to the Birds of China . MacKinnon, J.; Phillips, K.; Oxford University Press, Oxford, 262, 2000
Birds of Africa Volume VI . Fry, C.H.; Keith, S.; Urba, E., Princeton University Press, 260-362, 2000
Stäppvarfågeln . Anon. Fåglar i Sörmland. 33:1-2: 25, 2000
Stäppvarfågeln i Nyköping . Israelsson,J., 27-28/4. [+ kommentar om pallidirostris av Svensson, L.]. Roadrunner 8: 68-69, 2000
The widespread invasion of Northern Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) in Illinois in winter 2000/2001 with comments on the species’ non-breeding demographics . Bailey, S.D., Meadowlark 9: 82 – 90, 2000
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), A Field Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent . Kazmierczak, K.; Perlo, B. van, Yale University Press, 196, 2000
Rare birds in Finland in 1999 . Lindroos T; Luoto, H., Linnut 35:4: 19 – 31, 2000
Breeding biology and ecology of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in northern Belarus . Ivanovsky, V.V.; Kuzmenko, V.J., The Ring 22:1, 2000
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), A Field Guide to the Birds of Korea. Lee, W-S; Koo, T-H.; Park, J-J, LG Evergreen Foundation,Korea, 2000
Effect of habitat quality on the hunting behavior of breeding Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) . Fuisz, T.I.; Yosef, R., Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. H 47: 311–320, 2001
Contribution à l’étude de la bioécologie de la Pie-grieche grise (Lanius excubitor elegans) dans l’exploitation de l’I.T.A.S, Lemouchi, K., Mém. Ing. agro. saha. Ouargla, 102 , 2001
Voedsel van de Klapekster in de Engbertsdijkvenen . van den Akker, P., Ficedula, 30:2: 10-12, 2001
Dynamiek van overwinterende Klapeksters Lanius excubitor/ Dynamics in a wintering population of Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor . Bijlsma, R.G., Drentse Vogels, 14: 65-72, 2001
Die Superspiezies Raubwürger Lanius (excubitor) in der Westpaläarktis . Conzemius, T., Limicola, 15,185-227, 2001
Fuglene I Europa, Nordafrika og Mellemoesten . Malling Olsen, K., Håndbog update, Stor tornskade Lanius excubitor, 2001
Varfågel och svartpannad törnskata i första vinterdräkt – några tips vid fältbestämning. . Johansson, R., Milvus-Fåglar i Småland, 31:2: 14-17, 2001
Succesful bigamy in the Great Grey Shrike Lanius e. excubitor . Probst, R., Ornis Fenn., 78: 93-996, 2001
Popis velikega srakoperja Lanius excubitor na Dravskem in Ptujskem polju v decembru 2000/Survey of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor at Dravsko and Ptujsko polje in December 2000 (NE Slovenia) . Bombek, D., Acrocephalus, 22(104-105): 41 – 43, 2001
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), Birds of the Czech Republic . Kren, J., Christopher Helm Publishers Ltd. 234, 2001
Selection of habitats and perches by the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor and the effects of snow and layer and prey type . Karlsson, S., Ornis Svecica 11, 7-18, 2001
An interesting Grey Shrike in Italy . Janni, O. et al, Birding World 14(4): 170-171, 2001
Wintermonitoring bei Raubwürger Lanius excubitor in Oberösterreich: dichte habitatwahl und erste nachweise von winterreviertreue / Monitoring of wintering Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in in Upper Austria: abundance, habitat selectionand first records of of steady winter territories . Pühringer, N., Vogelkdl Nachr. OO, Naturschutz Aktuell 9/1: 2001
Analyses on prey composition of overwintering Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor in southern Finland . Karlsson, S., Ornis Fennica 79, 181-189, 2002
UV reflecting vole scent marks attract a paaserine, the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor . Probst, R.; Pavlicev, M.; Viitala, J., Journal of Avian Biology, V 33:4: 437-440, 2002
Diet composition and spatial patterns of food caching in wintering Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in Bulgaria . Nikolov, B.P.; Kodzhabashev, N.D.; Popov, V.V., Biol. Lett., 41:2: 119–133, 2002
Voedselecologie van overwinterende Klapekster Lanius excubitor op het Groote Zand . van Manen, W., Drentse Vogels, 16: 55-60, 2002
The presence of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) affects breeding passerine assemblage . Hromada, M.; Tryjanowski, P.; Antczak, M., Ann. Zool. Fennici, 39: 125-130, 2002
Klapekster als Broedvogel uit Nederland verdwenen . Marion de Boo, NRC Handelsblad, 2002
Great Grey Shrike subspecies excubitor, sibiricus and borealis . Pertulla, P.; Tenovuo, J., Alula, 2: 54-60, 2002
Notes (Great Grey Shrike feeding on carrion) . Probst, R., British Birds95(1): 25, 2002
Onderzoek naar Klapeksters op de Zuidoost-Veluwe . Van den Berg, A., Deuzeman, S., De Vlerk 19 (3), 189-1991, 2002
Great Grey Shrike, The Migration Atlas; movements of the birds of Britain an Ireland . Wernhma, C.V., Toms, M.P., Marchant, J.H., Clarck, J.A., Sitiwardena, G.M., Baillie, S.R., T & A.D. Poyser, London, 2002
Do males of the Great Grey Shrike, Lanius excubitor, tradefood for extrafair copulations . Tryjanowski, P.; Hromada, M., Elsevier, Animal Behaviour, 69:3: 529-533, 2003
The value of the bird collections and associated data in regional museums: Lanius excubitor specimens in Sarisské Museum, Bardejov, Slovakia . Hromada, M.; Kuczynski, L.; Skoracki, M.; Antczak, M.; Tryjanowski, P., Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 123 A,: 226, 2003
Voedsel en territoriumgebruik van overwinterende Klapeksters in de Engbertsdijksvenen . Van den Akker, P., Vogels in Overijssel, 68-79, 2003
Relationship of vertebrate prey size to transport mode and distance in the northern shrike . Probst, R.; Wegleitner, S.; Schmid, R., The Wilson Bulletin, 115:2: 201-204. 2003
On the subspecies, breeding, migration and wintering of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Bulgaria . Nankinov, D.N.; Nikolov, B.P., Biota, 4:1-2: 73-82, 2003
Hat die Rabenvögeln Einfluß auf die Brutplatzwahl und den Bruterfolg beim Raubwürger Lanius excubitor? . Grimm, H., Mitt. Inf. VTO, 23: 8, 2003
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Eastern North America . Sibley, D.A.; Cech, R., Knopf, 1st Edition: 272, 2003
Southern Grey Shrikes in Tunisia and a potential pitfall for Steppe Grey Shrike . Jiguet, F., Birding World16(8): 340-341, 2003
Eastern red bat (Lasiurus bo- realis) impaled by a Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus, Sarkozi, D.L., Brooks, D.M., Southwest Nat. 48, 301–303, 2003
Patterns of impaling in a migratory population of the Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus, Esely, J.D., Bollinger, E.K., Prairie Nat. 35, 1–8, 2003
Identification of Lanius species and subspecies using tandem repeats in the mitochrondial DNA control region . Hernández, M.A.; Campos, F.;, Gutiérrez-Corchero, F.; Amezcua, A., Ibis, 146:2: 227-230, April 2004
Advances in Shrikeology: the 4th International Shrike Symposium, Chemnitz, Germany, August 17th-18th, 2003 . Yosef, R.; Lohrer, F.E.; Tryjanowski, P, Special Volume: Biodiversity Letters, 41: 59 – 197, 2004
Eerste resultaten van het kleurringen van Klapeksters in Overijssel . Van den Akker, P.; Deuzeman, S.; Van den Berg, A., Vogels in Overijssel, 47-54, 2004
Klapekster kleurringproject zuidoost -Veluwe en Engbertdijksvenen . Deuzeman, S., Van den Berg, A.,Op het vinkentouw, nr 101 , 32-36, February 2004
Sexual dimorphism in the Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis in the central west of the Iberian Peninsula . Infante, O., Peris, S.J., Ardeola, 51:2: 455–460., 2004
Artenschutzprogramm Raubwürger 2003: Bestandsmonitoring in Österreich & Biotopverbund nördliches Mühlviertel . Sachslehner, L.; Schmalzer, A.; Probst, R.; Schmid, R.; Eisner, J.; Pfanzelt, A.; Trauttmansdorff, J., Unpubl. Bericht, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, Stockerau und Wien 28 pp., 2004
Hnízdní populace tuhýka sedého (Lanius excubitor) v oblasti severního Waldviertelu (Dolní Rakousko) – kolísání pocetnosti, stálost obsazení revíru a hnízdní úspesnost v letech 1995-2003 [Die Brutpopulation des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im nördlichen Waldviertel (Niederösterreich) – Bestandsschwankungen, Revier-Besetzungskonstanz und Bruterfolg 1995-2003] . Holýsov, S.; Sachslehner, L.; Schmalzer, A., 1: 27-37. [in tschechisch; Zusammenfassung und Abbildungslegenden auch in deutsch], 2004
The breeding population of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) in Austria, 1995-2003 . Sachslehner, L; Schmalzer, A.; Probst, R., Biological Lett., 41:2: 135-146. 2004
Diet of the nominate Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis meridionalis) in the north of its range (Mediterranean France) . Lepley, M.; Thevonot, M.; Guillaume, C.P.; Ponel, P.; Bayle, P., Bird Study, 51 : 156-162, 2004
Breeding biology of the Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor): an analysis of nest record cards . Olborska, P.; Kosicki, J.Z., Biological Lett., 41:2: 174-154, 2004
Flocks of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) on migration . Michalczuk, J., Biological Lett., 41:2: 189-190, 2004
Origin and evolution of tandem repeats in the mitochondrial DNA Control Regio of Shrikes (Lanius ssp.) . Mundy, N.I.; Helbig, A.J.; Mol. Evol., 59: 250-257, 2004
Diet composition and spatial patterns of food caching in wintering Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) in Bulgaria . Nikolov, P. B.; Kodzhabashey, N. D.; Popov, V. V., Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Ornithological Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria; University of Forestry, 1756, Sofia, Bulgaria; Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria BIOLOGICAL LETT; 41:2: 119-133, 2004
Angabe ohne die Mittelmeer-Raunwürger Spaniens und Portugals . Vgl.:Birdlife International: Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Birdlife Conservations Series, 12, 2004
Breeding biology of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in W Poland . Antczak M.; Hromada M.; Grzybek J.; Tryjanowski P., Acta Ornithologica, 39:1: 9 – 14, 2004
A presumed Steppe Grey Shrike (Lanius pallidirostris) on Socheong Island, S Korea . Moores N; Moores C., Biodiversity Letters, 41: 163 – 166, 2004
Raubwürger-Artenschutz 2004: Landschaftselement-Kartierungen und praktische Maßnahmen in den Halboffenlandschaften des nördlichen Waldviertels . L. Sachslehner, Unpubl. Bericht, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, Wien, 101, 2005
Artenschutzprogramm Raubwürger 2004 . Sachslehner, L; Schmalzer, A; Probst, R.; Schmid, R.; Eisner, J.; Trauttmansdorff, J., Forschunsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, Stocherau und Wien, 2005
Birds of South Asia . Rasmussen, P.; Anderson, J.C., The Riples Guide Volume, 1: 228-229, 2005
Impaling in true shrikes (Laniidae): A Behavioral and Ontogenetic Perspective . Yosef, R.; Pinshow, B., Elsevier, Behavioral processes, 69:3: 363-367, 2005
Oproep gekleurringde Klapekster . SOVON-Nieuws, jaargang 18, nr 4, 2005
Resultaten Klapekstertelling 2005 . Sierdsema, H., Van den Berg, A.; Deuzeman, S., Vlerk, 22:4: 95-98, 2005
Spatio temporal changes in Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor behavior: from food caching to communication signs . Antczak, M.; Hromada, M.; Tryjanowski, P., Ardea 93:1: 101–107, 2005
Research activity induces change in nest position of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor . Antczak M; Hromada M; Tryjanowski P., Ornis Fennica, 82:1: 20 – 25, 2005
Do males of the Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor), trade food for extrapair copulations? . Tryjanowski, P.; Hromada, M.; Anim. Behav., 69: 529–533, 2005
das Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Alles über Biologie, Gefährdung und schutz . Bauer, H.G.; Bezzel, E.; Fiedler, W., Band 2: Passeriformes-Sperlingsvögel. Aula verlag, Wiebelsheim, 622, 2005
An Apparent Case of Cooperative Hunting in Immature Northern Shrikes . Hannah K.C., The Wilson Bulletin, 117:4: 407 – 409, 2005
Seasonal diet of an insular endemic population of Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis koenigi on Tenerife, Canary Islands . Padilla, D.P.; Nogales, M.; Pérez, A.J., Ornis Fennica, 82;4: 155 – 165, 2005
Birds of Georgia . Parrish, J.W.; Beaton, G.; Kennedy, G., Lone Pine Publishing, 229, 2006
Birds of the Atlantic Islands (Canary Islands, Madeira, Azores, Cape Verde) . Clarke, T., Christpher Helm, 315, 2006
Grey shrikes are just not black and white . Aspinall S.; Norton J., Phoenix, 24: 16 , 2006
Northern or Great Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor) . Van Perlo, B., Field Guide Birds of Mexico and Central America; Collins, 76, 2006
Status and distribution of selected bird species on the Russia-Kazakhstan border northwest of the Caspian Sea . Arkhipov, V.Y., Sandgrouse, 2: 156 – 160, 2006
Biometrics of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) in relation to age and sex . Gutiérez-Corchero, F.; Campos, F.; Hernández, Á.; Amezcua, A., Taylor & Francis, 23:3: 141-146, 2007
Premières données sur l’étude de fragmentation des insectes-proies de la Pie-grièche grisen (Lanius meridionalis) en Mitidja . Taibi, A.; Bendjoudi, D.; Doumandji, S.; Guezou, L.O.; Souttou, K.; Sekour, M.; Manaa, A., Journées internationales sur la Zoologie Agricole et Forstière 8 au 10 2007. Batna, 2007
Food consumption and roosting behaviour of Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor wintering in south-Western Finland . Karlsson, S., Ornis Fennica, 84:2: 57-65), 2007
Vilken varfågel? . Ullman,M., Vår fågelvärld, 66:3: 20-25, 2007
Prey size selection of insular lizards by two sympatric predatory bird species . Padilla, D.P.; Nogales, M.; Marrero, P., Acta Ornithologica, 42:2: 167 – 172, 2007
Zijn klapeksters trouw aan hun overwinteringsgebied? . Koning, F., Fitis 43,2, 2007
Settling decisions and heterospecific social information use in Shrikes . Hromada, M.; Antczak, M.; Valone, T.J.;Tryjanowski, P., 2008
Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L., Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Handbook of the birds of the world. Laniidae . del Hoyo, J,; Elliott, A.; Christe, D.A., Penduline tits to shrikes, Yosef, R. Vol. 13. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, 732–796., 2008
Evidence from DNA nucleotide sequences and ISSR profiles indicates paraphyly in subspecies of the Southern Grey Shrikes (Lanius meridionalis) . Gonzales, J.; Wink, M.; Garcia-del-Rey, E.; Delgado Castro, G., J. Ornithol., 149: 495-506, 2008
Mitochondrial DNA points to Lanius meridionalis as a polyphyletic species . Klassert, T.E.; Hernández, M.A.; Campos, F.; Infannte, ).; Almeida, T.; Suárez, N.M.; Pestano, J.; Hernández, M., Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 47: 1227-1231, 2008
De klapekster is helemaal geen ekster . De Gelderlander, 2008
De klapekster terug, maar slechts als wintergast . AS de Stentor, 2008
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) in Nordtirol . Gstader, W., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L., Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Der Raubwürger in Vorarlberg – ein verschwundener Brutvogel und spärlicher Wintergast . Kilzer, R., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L., Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) in Osttirol . Moritz, D., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) in Kärtern . Probst, R., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Der Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) in Weinviertel, Niederösterreich . Probst, R., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Wintermonitoring und Beregnung beim Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor) in Oberösterreich . Pühringer, N., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
Phänologie und Winterverbreitung des Raubwürgers (Lanius excubitor) im Burgenland . Ranker, A.; Samwald, O.; Grüll, A., Der Raubwürger in Österreich (The Great Grey Shrike in Austria) . Sachslehner, L, Forschungsgemeinschaft Wilhelminenberg, 2008
High-altitude records of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Bulgaria during migration and winter . Nikolov, B., G. P. Stoyanov, D. N. Ragyov, P. S. Shurulinkov, I, P. Nikolov. Acrocephalus 29, 138/139: 185-186, 2008
The wintering distribution of Great Grey Shrikes Lanius excubitor in Poland; predictions from a large-scale historical survey . Kuczyński, L.; Rzępała, M.; Golawski, A.;Tryjanowski, P., Acta Ornithologica, 44:2: 159-166, 2009
Övervakning af fåglarnas populationsutveckling . Arssapport för 2008. Ekologiska institutionen, Lund universitet, Lund, Lindström A.; Green, M.; Ottval, R.; Svensson, L., 2009
Sexing adult Northern Shrikes using DNA, morphometrics, and plumage . Brady, R.S; Paruk, J.D.; Kern, A.J., Journal of Field Ornithology, 80:2: 198 – 205, 2009
Identification (Grey Shrikes) . Vinicombe, K., Birdwatch 208: 28-30, 2009
Enquete Pie-grièche grise – Wallonië, Van der Elst, D, Dehem, C., 2009
The Lanius excubitor (Aves, Passeriformes) conundrum . taxonomic dilemma when molecular and non- molecular data tell different stories . Olssen, U.; Alström, P.; Svensson, L.; Aliabadian, M.; Sundberg, P., Elsevier, Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 55:2: 347-357, 2010
Annual precipitation affects reproduction of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) . Keynan, O.; Yosef, R., The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 122:2: 334–339, 2010
Temporal changes and sexual differences of impaling behavior in Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) . Keynan, O.; Yosef, R., Behavioural Processes 85: 47–51, 2010
A large scale survey of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor in Poland: breeding densities , habitat use and population trends . Kuczyński, L; Antczak, M.; Czechowski, P.; Grybek, J.; Jerzak, L.; Zablocki, P; Tryjanowski, P., Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47:1: 67-78, 2010
Vogelsporen, Determineren van pootafdrukken, veren, braakballen en tal van andere sporen . Brown, R.; Ferguson, J.; Lawrence, M.; Lees, D., Tirion Natuur, 122, 126, 200 and 201, 2010
Speciation in shades of grey: the great grey shrike complex (Trends in systematics) . Poelstra, J., Dutch Birding Volume 32:4: 258-264, 2010
Spatial and temporal distribution of Southern Grey Shrikes Lanius meridionalis in agricultural areas . Campos, F.; Martin, R., Bird Study, 57:1: 84 – 88, 2010
Interview met Andrea van den Berg: “Anderen gaan vissen, ik vang klapeksters” . Simons, A., Nieuwe Veluwe,1, 26-28, 2010
Pie-grièche grise, Lanius excubitor, Atlas des oiseaux nicheurs de Wallonië 2001-2007, Serie Faune-Flore-Habitats no 5, Aves et Région Wallone, Gembloux . Jakob, J.P., Dehem, C., Burnel, A., Dambiermont, J.L., Fasol, M., Kinet, T., Van der Elst, D., Paquet, J.Y.: 398-399, 2010
Fluctuations et déclin d’un population de Pie-grièche grise Lanius excubitor suivie et region de Saint-Dié des Vosges (88) de 1988 à 2010, Ciconia 34 (1): 5-24, 2010
Wachten op de slimme slager . Buiter, R., SOVON-nieuws, jaargang 24:1: 10-12, 2011
Bedrohter Vogel als Wintergast, Hohe Zahl an Raubwürger in Waldech-Frankenberg . Seumer, F., WLZ, 23-11, 2011
The True Shrikes (Laniidae) Of The World . Ecology, Behavior and Evolution, Panov, E.N., Pensoft, 2011
Species profile (Grey matters) . Callahan, D., Birdwatch 232: 44-47, 2011
Speciation (The spice of life) . Callahan, D., Birdwatch 231: 44-47, 2011
The Carl Zeiss Award (Great Grey Shrike, perhaps L.e. homeyeri, Blacka Moor, Hathersage, Yorkshire, November 2010) . Rowlands, A., British Birds104(8): 462-465, 2011
De Klapekster in ons werkgebied in de winter 2010-2011 . Van der Poel, P., Korhaan, jrg. 45, nr. 3: 113-119, 2011
Unmasking Zorro: functional importance of the facial mask in the Masked Shrike (Lanius nubicus) . Yosef, R.; Zduniak, P.; Tryjanowski, P., Behavioral Ecology, 2012
Faglarna i Sverige, antal och förekomst . Aulen, G., SOF Förlag, 472-473, 2012
Klauwieren in Drenthe . Moorlag, H., WAD Nieuwsbrief, Jaargang 24:3: 5-7, 2012
Klapeksters laten zich niet zomaar vangen . Wesseling, M., Trouw, 2012
Type specimens and taxonomic identity of Lanius excubitor stepensis Gavrilenko, 1928 . Tajkova, Svetlana, Journal of the National Museum (Prague) National History Series., 181: 73-93. 21p. (8 Color Photographs, 2 Diagrams, 3 Charts.), 2012
Klapekster in de winter van 2011/2012 . Steendam, H.; Olk, H., WAD Nieuwsbrief, Jaargang 24:3: 7-11, 2012
Klapeksters; alle schoonheid op een stokje . Driessens, G., Natuur.orioles, 1 : 10-18. 2013
De invloed van een klapekster op een populatie levendbarende hagedissen . Van der Poel, P.; Van der Poel, L; Joosten, K., RAVON 48: 48-52, 2013
Steppe Grey Shrike on Texel in October-November 2012 and occurrence in Europe . Ebbels, E. B., Dutch Birding 35:4: 219, 2013
D’où viennent les Pies-grièches grises Lanius excubitor observées en migration et en hivernage en Wallonie? . Elst, van der, D.; Beckers, A., Aves, 50:2: 103-112, 2013
Plan national d’actions « Pies-grièches », Lanius sp. 2014-2018 . Lefranc N. & Issa N., Ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie. 144 p., 2013
The Great Grey Shrike looks around, cocking its long tail to balance itself . Brooks, W., Country Diary, The Guardian, 2013
The Oldest Northern Shrike in North America . Brady, R., Winsconsin E bird, 2013
Klapekster profiteert van heideakker . Kas Koenraads (Stichting Bargerveen) . Natuurbericht, 2013
Die Brutvögel Nordrhein-Westfalens . Raubwürger Lanius excubitor; Schidelko, K. – In: Grüneberg, C., Sudmann, R., Weiss, J., Jöbges, M., König, H., Laske, V., Schmitz, M. et al., LWL-Museum für Naturkunde, Münster 2013
Der Raubwürger in Luxemburg . Bastian & al., Stand 2012. Regulus Wiss. Berichte n 28., 2013
De klapekster: een waakzame slager . Van der Poel, P., Het Vogeljaar, 15-28, 62/1, 2014
Klapekster in Straelens Broek bij Arcen . Van Lier M., Gezien Venlo, February 19th, 2014
Gespietste mestkever . Dijksterhuis, K., Trouw, 2014
Great Grey Shrike caught on camera on Dartmoor . Western Morning News, April 4th, 2014
I’d never seen great grey shrike before, and i couldn’t get over its beauty . McCarthy, M., The Independent, Tuesday May 6th, 2014
The Northern Shrike Lanius borealis sibiricus Bogdanov, 1881 (Aves: Laniidae) in Ukraine: a taxonomic assessment . Svetlana U. Tajkova & Âroslav A. Redkin, Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series Vol. 183 (8): 89-107
Het verlangen naar Klapekster, Koos van Zomeren, De Arbeiderspers, October 2014
Bilan de la saison hivernale 2013/2014 pour la Pie-grièche grise en Franche- Comté . Besancon, J., LPO Franche-Comté, DREAL Franche-Comté & Union européenne : 7p., 2014
Suivi et conservation des populations de Pie-grièche grise (Lanius excubitor) et de Pie-grièche à tête rousse (Lanius senator) dans le sud lorrain . Leblanc, G. & Leger M., LOANA / Coordination LPO Lorraine / DREAL Lorraine : 86 p., 2014
New evidence on morphology and distribution of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) in Maghreb. Taibi, A., Hernandez, M.A., Bentaallah, M.E.A. and Doumandji, S., Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47 (2) : 571 – 575., 2015
Resting Metabolic Rates of Adult Northern Shrikes ( Lanius excubitor ) Wintering in Northern Wisconsin . Paruk, James D ; Cooper, Sheldon J ; Mangan, Anna O ; Brady, Ryan S ; Tucker, Logan, The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, Vol.127(3), p.510-514 [Peer Reviewed Journal], 2015
Researchers from Research Institute Report on Findings in Ornithology [Resting Metabolic Rates of Adult Northern Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) Wintering in Northern Wisconsin] . Life Science Weekly, Oct 27, p.2868, Cengage Learning, Inc., 2015
Abundance and distribution of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor at Ljubljansko barje (Central Slovenia) in winters 2008/09, 2011/12 and 2012/13 . Koce, U. 133 Acrocephalus 36 (166/167): 133–14 4, 2, 2015
Dieet, conditie en plaatstrouw van overwinterende Klapeksters, Is er een relatie met begrazing? Deuzeman, s., Van den Berg, A., Van den Akker, P., Van Turnhout, C., Limosa, 88: 2-10, 2015
Overwinterende Klapeksters in Nederland: telperikelen, aantallen en verspreiding. Schekkerman, H., Hustings, F., Van den Bremer, L., Kampichler, c., Van Winden, E., Broere, M., De Vries, H., Limosa, 88: 11-21, 2015
Le crépuscule des bandits masqués . Costa, P., article de presse de l’Est-Républicain du 26-07-15
Первые находки пустынного сорокопута Lanius lahtora pallidirostris в Крыму и Приазовье в 2011 и 2012 годах / First records of the Asian grey shrike Lanius lahtora pallidirostris from the South of Ukraine in 2011 and 2012 . Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка, Русский орнитологический журнал,Выпуск nr. 1140, том 24, 1592-1604, 2015
Females prefer extra-pair males that are older and better hunters . Hromada, M., Antczak, M., Tryjanowski, P., Published Online: 2015-12-22, De Gruyter, 2015
Biometric and distribution of the SGS in the Maghreb . Taibi, A., Hernandez, M.A., Bentaallah M.E.A. and Doumandji, S., New evidence on morphology and distribution of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) in Maghreb. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 47 (2) : 571 – 575., 2015
Suivi des pies-grièches grises en Lorraine, rapport d’activités 2015 . Brunet, C., LOANA/LPO, Coordination Lorraine. 19 p., 2016
Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland . Kwieciński, Z., Morelli, F., Antczak, M., Tryjanowski, P., European Journal of Ecology 2 (2), 9-18, 2016
Hatching order and sex ratio in Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis in relation to clutch size . Moreno-Rueda, G., Campos, F., Gutiérrez-Corchero, F., Ángeles Hernández, M., Ibis, Volume 159, Issue 1, 230–234, 2016
De Klapekster in de Maashorst en haar prooien . Van Diepenbeek,A., Gras, B., Venkraai, nummer 2, 2017
Natuurlijk: Wintergasten van open veld . De Jong, J., Leeuwarder Courant, 18 december 2017
A tale of two tails: asymmetry in Great Grey Shrikes (Lanius excubitor) . Yosef, R., Brandsma, M., Kubicka, M.A., Tryjanowski, P., Avian Research 9:1, 2018
Do males pay more? A male-biased predation of common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) by great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor) Antzak,M., Ekner-Grzyb, A., Majláth, I., Majláthová, V., Bona, M., Hromada, M. & Piotr Tryjanowski, P., Acta Ethologica volume 22, pages155–162, 2019
Hunting habitat selection of breeding great grey shrikes Lanius excubitor Linnaeus, 1758 in Luxembourg . Steinmetz M., Coppes, J. , Schneider, S., Bull. Soc. Nat. luxemb. 121, 2019
Bringing home the bacon: A Lanius ludovicianus (Loggerhead Shrike) caches an anthropogenic food item in an urban environment . Worm, A.J., Boves, T.J., – Southeastern Naturalist, – BioOne, 2019
A hybrid shrike Lanius in Senegal . Bram Piota and Gabriel Caucanasb, Bull ABC Vol 26 No 2, 2019
Eén klapekster maakt de hele dag goed (Natuurdagboek Trouw) . Dijksterhuis, K.,
The first record of the Siberian northern shrike (Lanius borealis sibiricus) in Lithuania with molecular confirmation . V Eigirdas, V Jonikė – Biologija, 2020
Visually Sexing Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius Ludovicianus) Using Plumage Coloration and Pattern . Gareth Morgan, Amy A. Chabot, African Lion Safari, Department of Biology, Queen’s University, 2020
Winter records of amphibians as avian prey: the case of the Great Grey Shrike and the Smooth Newt . Martyna Paczuska, Artur Golawski, Ornithological Science 20(1):115-118, 2021
The identification of Northern Shrike in Europe . Aleksi Lehikoinen, British Birds 114: 148-165, 2021
Verschenen of verdwenen, Ruim een eeuw Nederlandse broedvogels in beweging, Klapekster, Fred Hustings, Kees Koffijberg, Harvey van Diek, Vogel Onderzoek Nederland, Kosmos uitgeverij: 224-227, 2021
Siberische Noordelijke Klapekster bij Nuenen in november 1909 . Justin J.F.J Jansen, Pepijn Kamminga, Martin Brandsma, Reuven Yosef, Peter de Knijff, Dutch Birding 44: 354-359, 2022
Kleine watersalamanders Lissotriton vulgaris als prooi van klapekster Lanius excubitor in januari op het Scharreveld . Grotenhuis, J., ter Heide, D., Drentse Vogels 35: 44-47, 2023